Mastering PCR Ratio for Best Option Trading: Unleashing the Power of PCR Ratio in Bank Nifty


Welcome to the exciting world of PCR ratio of option trading, where strategic moves and informed decisions can yield lucrative profits. One crucial tool that can significantly enhance your trading strategy is the Put-Call Ratio (PCR) ratio. In this article, we will delve into the depths of PCR ratio analysis and explore how it can be effectively utilized in Nifty and Bank Nifty option trading. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to uncover the secrets of PCR ratio analysis that can potentially revolutionize your trading game.

Key TakeAways:

  1. Put/Call ratio (PCR) is a derivative indicator used to gauge the overall sentiment of the market.
  2. It can be calculated based on options trading volumes or open interest for a specific period.
  3. If the PCR is greater than 1, it indicates more puts have been traded, while a ratio less than 1 suggests more calls have been traded.
  4. PCR analysis considers option sellers, who are major players in the market compared to retail buyers.
  5. Increasing PCR during minor dips in an uptrending market is a bullish indication, suggesting put writers are expecting the uptrend to continue.
  6. Decreasing PCR while the market tests resistance levels is a bearish indication, indicating call writers are building fresh positions, anticipating limited upside or a correction.
  7. Decreasing PCR during a downtrending market is bearish, as it suggests option writers are aggressively selling call option strikes.
  8. PCR can be calculated based on open interest (PCR-OI) by dividing put open interest by call open interest.
  9. PCR can also be calculated based on the volume of options trading (PCR-Volume) by dividing put trading volume by call trading volume.
  10. PCR is important for traders as it helps them assess market sentiment, make directional bets on stocks, and avoid herd mentality. It can be used as a contrarian indicator.
  11. The reliability of PCR as a measure to forecast future market conditions is high, but its interpretation should consider historical data, market scenario, and other indicators.
  12. PCR should be used in conjunction with other indicators and analyzed in the context of the current market situation.
  13. There is no fixed number for a bullish put-call ratio; it depends on historical data and should be compared to averages over a specific time frame.
  14. Traders can use PCR to identify contrarian opportunities, such as increasing PCR during a correction in an uptrending market or decreasing PCR during a downtrend.
  15. PCR is a useful tool to identify excessive market movements and potential reversals, particularly during market extremes.

I. Understanding PCR Ratio Analysis

PCR ratio analysis is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into market sentiment and helps traders gauge the overall market direction. It is calculated by dividing the total number of open interest of put options by the total number of open interest of call options. The resulting ratio indicates the relative trading activity between put options and call options.

  1. The Significance of PCR Ratio The PCR ratio is widely regarded as an indicator of market sentiment. A high PCR ratio suggests bearish sentiment, indicating that market participants are more inclined to buy put options, which are associated with a downside move. Conversely, a low PCR ratio signifies bullish sentiment, indicating a preference for call options, which are associated with an upside move. By monitoring the PCR ratio, traders can gain insights into market sentiment and make informed decisions accordingly.
PCR ratio
  1. Interpreting PCR Ratio Levels It is essential to understand the interpretation of PCR ratio levels to effectively utilize this tool in option trading. When the PCR ratio is above 1, it indicates that the overall sentiment is bearish, and there is a higher demand for put options. Conversely, when the PCR ratio is below 1, it suggests a bullish sentiment, with a higher demand for call options. Traders often look for extreme PCR ratio levels to identify potential turning points in the market.
PCr ratio

II. Leveraging PCR Ratio in Nifty and Bank Nifty Option Trading

Now that we grasp the concept of PCR ratio analysis let’s explore how we can leverage it in Nifty and Bank Nifty option trading to maximize profits and reduce risk.

  1. Identifying Overbought and Oversold Levels PCR ratio analysis can help identify overbought and oversold levels in the Nifty and Bank Nifty markets. When the PCR ratio reaches extreme levels, it signifies an imbalance in market sentiment, which often leads to reversals. For example, a high PCR ratio above 1.7 in the Nifty or Bank Nifty options may indicate that the market is overbought, presenting a potential buying opportunity. Conversely, a low PCR ratio below 0.6 may indicate an oversold market, signaling a potential selling opportunity.
  1. Confirming Reversal Signals PCR ratio analysis can act as a confirming tool for reversal signals generated by technical indicators or chart patterns. For instance, if a bullish chart pattern, such as a double bottom, forms in the Nifty or Bank Nifty index, and simultaneously the PCR ratio is at a low level, it provides additional confirmation for a potential bullish reversal. By combining PCR ratio analysis with other technical tools, traders can strengthen their conviction and increase the probability of successful trades.

III. Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How often should I monitor the PCR ratio?

A1. The PCR ratio should be monitored regularly, preferably on a daily basis, to stay updated with the evolving market sentiment. However, it is important to note that the PCR ratio is just one of many tools in a trader’s arsenal, and it should be used in conjunction with other technical and fundamental analysis.

Q2. Are there any limitations to PCR ratio analysis?

A2. While PCR ratio analysis provides valuable insights, it is crucial to understand its limitations. The PCR ratio is derived from the open interest of options contracts, which represents the number of outstanding contracts. It does not take into account the volume of trades or the value of the underlying assets. Therefore, it is important to consider other factors and indicators to make well-informed trading decisions.


In conclusion, mastering option trading requires a comprehensive understanding of various tools and indicators. The PCR ratio analysis stands out as a valuable tool that can enhance your trading strategy and help you make informed decisions in the Nifty and Bank Nifty markets. By effectively utilizing the PCR ratio, you can identify market sentiment, recognize overbought and oversold levels, and confirm reversal signals. Remember, successful trading involves a combination of analysis, risk management, and discipline. So, embrace the power of PCR ratio analysis and take your option trading to new heights.


The information provided in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be construed as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Always do your own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making investment decisions.

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